Friday 8 January 2010

Reading and preparation...

You should now be reading through the section on the source of the play (D of M) in preparation for next Monday or Tuesday's lesson - you need to have notes taken from the reading - not just annotations on the text.

I have also handed out a chapter, called Apostasy, on Donne. You should be reading through this chapter over the week (towards next Thursday or Friday) and recording notes on anything you find insightful (i will be checking these and setting time for those who fail to do so).

When you have completed the lesson on the Song: 'Sweetest love, i do not go' you'll also receive some advanced reading for the Flea. I'll hold back on further reading till next week as there is further preparation required for subsequent poems.

The order in which we will study the poems follows. You will, as usual, be required to complete the diction and intended meaning sections of your annotations in preparation for the lessons (and will be sent away to complete them if you haven't).

Go, and Catch a Falling Star
Sweetest love, I do not go
The Flea
The Sunne Rising
The Good Morrow
The Canonisation
Twickenham Garden
Love's Alchemy
Love's Growth
The Ecstasy
The Apparition (complete annotations independently after student lessons)
Woman's Constancy (complete annotations independently after student lessons)
Holy Sonnet IV (complete annotations independently)
Hymn to God the Father (complete annotations independently)
Holy Sonnet XIV
A Nocturnall upon St Lucie's Day

(Some of you missed the two Elegy's and we'll need to make a time to do these too!)


Mr. D

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