Friday 15 January 2010

Creative Task...

Imagine you are the women who killed the flea, Write an entry in your journal in which you relate the event, detailing your lover’s entreaties for you to relinquish your chastity. Reflect on your beliefs about sex and honour, and whether you find the lover’s rhetoric convincing.

For independent practice, students should complete the following creative response – For extension some students may wish to write as poetry.

Mr. D


Anonymous said...

Journal Entry Year of our Lord 2010

This evening my lover tried ever more to entice me to bed with him. I was reluctant to the point of being intolerant to his growing eagerness. Yet his arguments seemed so alluring and so correct. I know in my heart that to engage in the act of love before marriage is blasphemy, however the ghastly sin, has it already occurred? Is this to be? In committing the act of murder as I killed the flea, he argues I have acted a much greater sin; does this make our pre-marital activities just? I will loose all honour in fulfilling his desires. I will be as whore and under the critical eyes of society, none will respect me again. Yet he says the opposite. That sex itself is not an act of which I will loose my honour. I am tempted to believe but it would be a lie to say that I had doubt still in mind. He is convincing enough in his words as in his philanderer ways.
With the blood of the flea staining my finger, my lover’s argument is reinforced. If our bloods have mixed, the sin has already been committed. If then the sin itself is repeated it might be less sacrilegious. I find my lovers Rhetory ever more convincing, and I ask myself how much longer I can resist.

Antony West

Unknown said...

fluids flowing freely,
A sin, he said.

Beneath me?
Ontop of me more like.
A bite from a flea
His sting waiting to strike

Stop now,
please, please.
"You've already sinned with ease"
I wish not to be known as a tease

But for you i'll not go to my knees.
Nor will I blaspheme for the sake of a sleeze,
Love me true or leave me be.
Make your choice.

Bradley simson

CarlLarkinBlog said...

Is this not a journey of a virgin mother?
The body I hide beneath the cover.
It is not mine but belongs to another.
This flea is I and you? How True?

I do kill this thief, as you would
If he had taken your childhood
So I didn’t live as I should.
We do still both survive. Yet I feel not alive!

For this flea does not hold you and I
Instead it holds your dirty lie
Which all in all has made me shy.
So true love, could it be?
Or the dirty work of a master flea?

Bang on 100 words so I thought I'd leave it there (Y)

sameerah said...

He tries so hard to lure me
He tries so hard to persuade me
Yet it’s my status and honour at sake. Not his
A flea he says, has married us already.

I don’t feel it so I splat the Flea
(The spread of disease is poisonous to us both)
So he argues I have murdered us all
I feel no emotion for the flea. I feel nothing.
It was just a Flea.
A diversion for him to seduce me? Maybe.

I shall not loose my honour
For the sake of him and his pleasures
I shall not allow him to make me feel guilty.
I shall fight back and not give in/

Anonymous said...

Mark but this flea and how full of glee
was I when I squashed it

That look in his eye as all hope had faded,
surely he didn't think I had downgraded
my standards for him, his thoughts had evaded
that I am not easily persuaded.

And how dare he use a common flea
to take a swipe at my chastity!
Arrogant peasant without a degree;
thats the last time I give sympathy.

And that flea must have watched the untying of lace,
the seduction of woman, the catch and the chase,
and what luck to have dinner thrust into its face!
It sucked him and sucked me in thoughtless disgrace!

Looking back now, I can't honestly see
what drew me to Jack, but whatever it be
I won't lower myself to such bourgeoisie!
He must be familiar with prick from a flea.

-David L

Anonymous said...

How can thee
Compare our love to a flea?
If he really loves me,
Then why does he
Place importance on sexual activity?

Enraged by his lust I murder his argument,
But now he lures me through guilt,
If he try to rob me of my virginity
Then why is it a sin to kill the cunning flea
Surely he also wants me to surrender my chastity?

Is this all a women's role be?
To satisfy the male desire
And then cease to be of importance
To the male specie?

I wish to hold my honour
In the form of my clothes,
And refute his argument,
In my own version of a prose.

I shall defeat his attempt
And make him realise
That not every woman is meant
To be satisfied with lust in disguise.


Adonne Nisleboho said...

The Taming of Your Shrew

Saucy, pedantic, wretch;
So caustic and insincere,
With flea my name besmirched;
With flea you loose my fear.

Stay flaccid and fantastic, for
My cherry I withdrew.
Believe me not sarcastic, tis
My taming of your shrew..

Know it is but folly
God’s honour here you masticate.
You expect to ride my trolley, but
Not won is your mass debate.

You sully and slur my honour,
What pain you’d have me recieve
Chastity? - You’d have done her,
Your pleasure? - No reprieve.

DK said...

Some tea?
Says me.
A flea!
Says he.
No to thee
Oh please
Oh Jeeees-
Us, why me?
Kill that flea!
I see
Oh my flea!
Says he
To me
Sorry but I don’t have sex with poor people like you, I’m a noble, your nothing
…and a flea will not change this so go home.

Anonymous said...

I lay here,
tired of this man.
Who in his quest for
love, has become desperate, like I am
to leave this cringing box he calls his bed.
I am trapped without a plan.

Such a persuading tongue he hasn't,
speaking of this flea.
In his mind he knows that we will never, together be.
Whether our bloods have met or not before,
I will not give in to thee.

In one way or another we have already sinned,
(and yet I do not care.)
His flea, that has united us,
I am unable to bare.
This is my final stand against this act.
The flea, its gone. Its there.

Sam Ellis

Adam zgambo said...

This flea feels me the disgust
contaminated with the sins of lust
my innocence I will not surrender
it is precious to me and tender

You claim that the wretched flea binds us together
i will squash it and blow it away
like a feather

This flea i will kill
so that you can go and play with your self on the hill

Committed campaign to unlock my chastity with your key has been blunted, killed with ease like
taking in a breath of freash air
inhale you have failed!!!!

Anonymous said...

How can thee
Compare the act of love
To those actions of a flea?
Pray tell me,

A flea cannot amalgamate,
Nor can it carry, consummate or commit,
He should simply admit;
Our rendezvous was not Fate.

He persists in his act,
Tis a sin to continue;
My virtue still intact,
I must hesitate. Impede.
I’m glad the flea’s mutinied.

By Aimee

I know the beginning of mine is nearly the same as Harjit's, but I honestly didn't copy it. Great minds just think alike.

Anonymous said...

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
The flea is now dead,
There's no "taming the shrew"

Lauren :)