Thursday 28 January 2010

D of M book work....

After your lesson on Act 1 of The D of M, you should set up some pages (possibly at the back of your workbooks) with the following structure and title which cover the conflicts within the play.

Private domestic sphere vs public politcal sphere
Personal desire versus public responsibility
Political vs the family
Dynsaty vs the family
Bourgeois vs the aristocracy
The individual vs society
Virtuous angel vs lusty whore
Brother's grotesque misogyny (there is one in the scene where Ferdinand and the Cardinal ban her from marrying) vs Antonio's raturous idealisation
Body politic vs body natural
Political identity versus sexual identity
Sane versus the Mad

Also, you should set up some pages for quotation for charcacters that should their development - but also don't forget to think about the methods of charcterisation too!

With all of these pages you should divide the pages into 2 columns: 1 for quotes the other for explanations and thoughts!

Any problems, come and see me!

Mr. D

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