Tuesday 22 March 2011

Your flea responses - from the female's perspective...


Boobie! said...

Bobbie’s Response to The Flea

Persuasive though you may be,
How dare compare me to a flea.
You say it contains all three,
So why must you lay with me?

If we mingled I would swell,
Meanwhile, you’ll explore your new girl.
You thought I would ring your bell,
But I’m not daft, go to Hell!

Manipulative you are,
In sex we shall not delve too far.
You sing Que Sera Sera,
While sucking your big cigar...

Fran said...

Diary Entry to the Flea.

I could slap him who does he think he is, does he take me as some kind of fool comparing me to a flea. We are not even married and he asks for something like this from me. He tried to persuade me comparing sex to something as small as a flea. So I killed it and hoped for the best, that he would stop asking. But this did not stop him; he went on and on and on and didn’t give it a rest. Even after I killed it he said that sex will make you feel no different just like I felt no different after killing the flea. He must take me like some whore. Like all the other women he has slept with like im the same as them when I am not at all, I am different to the rest.

Anonymous said...

He compared our love, our honest pure relationship to a dirty little flea... and he expected sex? The more he spoke, the more desperate he looked! I pitied him at first, but when he adopted that insect into our 'family', sex seemed like a joke. However with his puppy dog face he marched on protesting; because I killed the bug, the poor little flea’s life would have been pointless, worthless if we didn’t have sex right that minuet! “Cruel and sudden” was I? He soon found out how cruel and sudden I could be in the direction towards crotch.

Daisy :)

Anonymous said...

A flea is a flea so do not pretend,
This really ought to be put to an end.
I will not sleep with you, for this i am sure
This really is starting to become quite a chore.
You tried and tried yet did not succeed
The flea just merely wanted to feed.
Go away now and please leave me be.
Otherwise i will raise my knee
Up to your groin I promise thee.


Anonymous said...

I must confess I am somewhat appalled with your suggestion of intimacy. Being a respectable young lady I was shocked to hear you compare an act of such lust to an insignificant creature like a flea. To put your suggestion into perspective I shall alert you of my moral boundaries, love is something essential within any relationship I take part in, furthermore marriage is key if their is to be any hope of getting close to me. For me this is something that you should have considered, however I will forgive you as I am sure your tiny brain would have been overwhelmed if you were forced to think before taking action. The fact that I had to point this out to you suggests that your intelligence is minimal. I do not blame you for your lacking knowledge, in all honesty I blame men in general for their untactful characteristics. I have often heard the complaints of many weak females, they have been left hollow and feeling used due to men like you taking advantage of them. The major difference between between these girls and me is that I am not weak, never would I abandon my self discipline in hope that a male would bestow his romance on me for the rest of my life. My strong will power was reinstated when you persisted to draw similarities between making love with me and a flea. I took this to great offense since a flea holds such unimportance, I should have never been put in the same category as such vermin. I for one hold much more value to my self than you implied.

Sorry its so long thought it had to be :-/


Danielle said...

The Flea Response - by Danielle Wainwright

You ask me to mark but this flea,
And think not what the consequences of being f**k'd may be;
Not only do I bleed,
But you plant your wretched seed,
Which sees me swell and thus,
There can be no mingling of blood for us,
So end this fight,
Relent in your plight,
For it’s only you and your right hand tonight.

Do not think a comparison to marriage will win me,
I am a woman of innocence, not naivety,
And so respect by grudge
For my stance will not budge,
Over a minor flea of filth and jet
That you have failed to persuade me not to kill yet,
This isn't murder, this isn't our child,
And for killing this vermin I would not be trialled,
I am not sinning,
And you my dear are clearly not winning,
Yet I can feel this argument going back to the beginning...

So yes I have killed it,
And it affected me not one bit,
But no that does not mean,
That I am now keen,
I do not want to bed you,
Even if you continue to beg me to,
You make me feel sick,
You desperate fumbling pr**k,
So yield'st to me no more,
Or I will slam it in the door,
I reiterate this now I am NOT your whore!

Yuliya said...

Jesus Danielle!

Years of family tradition was broken through his tactless act of bed hoping, which I will not comply to. Although the act was of my choice too: religion and morals were speaking as one voice against his proposal. A flee is a comparison to him, not me: a filthy, insignificant and disgusting creature that only inflicts a small wound, that with time will heal and be forgotten about. I., as a Lady will not stand for his vulgarity and tasteless approach to marriage and consummation as social status is important to my family and myself. Passion and lust will never take hold of me, and the previous events were just a lead up to what I believed was marriage. I of course was innocent to all the filth he proposed, and regardless of the flea, I would have not combined my body with him.
Although, our love is insignificant to thee,
I still remain devoted foolishly.
Yet consummation is an act of choice
Where mind and body become one voice.
A marriage plays important part
As social status is an important rank,
And love will never win this war,
as for me it's present, for you: not sure.
A comparison of me to a filthy little flee
Only led to what was destined to be:
Me without thee.

rosie said...

Diary Response

I have never seen a man so pathetic or desperate in attempting to bed somebody before.Not only were his arguments weak,they were incredibly child like. HA! And to compare ME, to a disgusting insect? They say romance is dead!! He clearly doesn't understand if i let him have his wicked way, it'll be me who has to deal with the consequences. I doubt he'll find a screaming baby as tempting as me. So to show him just how much i appretiated his...charms, I squashed that vile insect. However even that didn't seem to stop his futile attempt in getting me into his insect laden bed. How dare he try to make me feel quilty? It is him who wants to fornicate out of wedlock!

Anonymous said...

A flea is a flea, and you are a cad,
Your argument's false and your logic is bad.
If, inside a parasite, we shall entwine,
Let it be, as long as my sex you don't mine.
Two into one is not for a black flea designed;
A soulmate is a concept too pure for your mind.
I will flatten your flea
And similarly,
I'll decline the metaphor you so vividly see.
