Tuesday 23 November 2010

Work from Tuesday's lesson...

Task1: find the definitions fo these words:

Junkful, Reticule, Coup, Enigmatic, Eclecticism, Flunkey, Ironic fad, Monocle, paraphernalia, Sarcophagi, Amniotic salinity, Calyx, Etudes, Evanescent, Chatelaine, Feudal, Voluptuary, Stertorously, Ermine, Ebony, Vermillion, Mahogany, Turquoise and Nicotine.

Task 2: find five quotations on the following study areas:

Images used to portray herself before the consummation of the marriage
Relationship to the marquis
Personality and portrayal after the consummation
Impact of her experiences on the rest of her life
Roles(s) within the story

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