Tuesday 23 November 2010

Work from Tuesday's lesson...

Task1: find the definitions fo these words:

Junkful, Reticule, Coup, Enigmatic, Eclecticism, Flunkey, Ironic fad, Monocle, paraphernalia, Sarcophagi, Amniotic salinity, Calyx, Etudes, Evanescent, Chatelaine, Feudal, Voluptuary, Stertorously, Ermine, Ebony, Vermillion, Mahogany, Turquoise and Nicotine.

Task 2: find five quotations on the following study areas:

Images used to portray herself before the consummation of the marriage
Relationship to the marquis
Personality and portrayal after the consummation
Impact of her experiences on the rest of her life
Roles(s) within the story

Frankenstein work

Please complete this task for next Monday...

The outcome of message of chapters 11-15 is as follows:

  • Man and demon can never coexist peacefully.

Buld an argument and evidence this message.
How also is Walton evidence of this statement?

We will discuss in lesson. Bring your points with you.

Mr. D

Tuesday 16 November 2010


General reading...

- Short Story Article - selling them short.
- Class responses from Child Roland (this may help develop ideas you could use in your coursework essay - you can quote for A03, interpretations of others, fellow students)

Specific Reading...
- BlueBeard story

Monday 15 November 2010

Please ensure you are prepared for the debate next Monday.

Which is a stronger theme in Chapter 9 – Alienation or Religion?

• Find evidence and develop an argument for a debate;
• each person must speak;
• Each side will have 5 minutes to elaborate your arguments.


Mr. D

Sunday 14 November 2010

Developing a comparison linked to the effects of the Gothic Novel

These are the two task started in lesson time that should be complete by next Monday as your Milestones:

Task 1

'Gothic novels should not deal so much with the ordinary lives of the protagonist but should terrify the readder with elements of the supernatural.'

Compare this statement to the three texts you have been studying. It should be no longer than 500 words

Task 2

'I beheld those i loved spend vain sorrow upon the graves of William and Justine, the first hapless victims to my unhallowed arts.'

Using this quotation in you opening, write Victor's confession to the same Roman Catholic confessor as Justine. Review Chapter 8 for any other religious references to support your response.

Each task should be no longer than 500 words. The combined tasks will be used to form your milestone assessment.

Mr. D