Tuesday 19 October 2010

Half - term

Please complete 2 of the questions on the sheet given out during last lesson. The responses should be an A4 sheet back and front - typing is okay.

Also, complete the critical reading on transgression given out.

And, finally, complete your task on Frankenstein - 5 quotes, with analysis, on the religious depiction of Elizabeth throughout the novel.

:)Mr. D

Monday 4 October 2010

Frankenstein introductions...

Please post your Frankenstein introduction here...they should introduce the text, it's themes and story to a Year 12 audience. Please review the other introductions by your peers as they may challenge or inform your own view.

Mr. D

Sunday 3 October 2010

Milestone Reflections

The task set for your response was: 1) How has the Poe story you have read today compare with the earlier ones you looked at this week? 2)What characteristics seem so essential to Gothic; even over time?

The PowerPoint presentation and the work of Yuliya and Fran successfully addressed the first section of the task, but the second part wasn't as developed. Can you spend some time building a reflection on this second point and posting it through this week. I will add these into my Milestone judgements for the following week.


Mr. D