Friday 30 April 2010

Elegy 16 & 18

As revision for these two poems, you need to complete a cross-genre activity. In your groups, assigned in lesson, prepare a short film (2 mins) that presents the content of your designated poem.

It should be in the style of a soap opera (any of your English trash or proper soaps from Australia).

You don't all need to be in the film, but you all should have some part, re-writing, filming, editing, makeup or costume (Mr. Lawes has some evening wear you could borrow).

Cross dressing will be a prerequisite in all submissions.

We could present them after school on Friday.....?

Mr. D

Thursday 29 April 2010

After your speeches...

After you have given your speech, can you please type it up (the lines you performed) and give a brief explanation of the content/meaning.

Then, can you place it on a revision card(10cmx8cm), enough for everyone in your class so they can revise/learn it in preparation for the exam.


Mr. D

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Duchess of Malfi Revision...

You should now have completed your revision schedule with outcomes after attending the lesson earlier in the week. I will be asking for evidence of this and the work that you've produced over the next weeks.

  • If you are the Monday period 3 group, you will be required to learn a key speech from the Duchess of Malfi and perform it on the 30/04/10. We will chose character for you on Friday 23rd April.
  • If you are in the Tuesday period 1 group, you will be required to do the same, but will perform it on the 29/04/10.

Remember - it should be no shorter than 10 lines. To aid in your knowledge of this speech you are required to fully annotate it like you would poem. Please use the back pages of you Donne annotations book to complete this!

If you have to prepare something for lesson, don't forget. DL - looking forward to your line of poetry. AW - looking forward to you intended meaning challenge. DK - can't remember exactly what we said you'd do - but I'm looking forward to it as well.

Mr. D