Wednesday 18 November 2009

Essay responses to The Bloody Chamber...

This is for both groups and will be discuss in you double lessons this week.

Depending on which coursework question you are tackling, you should complete one of these essays by you next double lesson.

Essay 1:

Show how Carter’s short story, The Bloody Chamber and two other Gothic texts by other writers

• Comment on ‘patriarchal oppression’
• Present society’s readiness to identify women as ‘victims’ of such oppression.

Essay 2:

“Elegant, dark, rich, exotic and dripping with gore – such is the language of Angela Carter”

With reference to The Bloody Chamber, Tiger’s Bride or The Courtship of Mr. Lyon, discuss the effect and contrast of Carter’s language in her short stories with that of two other Gothic writers.

If you're in David and David's group, for extension, you should complete the essay below as part of your coursework development for Browning's poem!!!

Mr. D

Monday 16 November 2009

Milestone task...(Carl's group)

It is milestone week and you need to submit an essay for the following task:

Deconstruct and explain, with examples, Browning's methods for creating an effective 1st person persona in 'My Last Duchess'

You should use the work from Saturday's sessions, but develop it further and submit as an essay of no fewer than the 2 A4 pages.

Failure to submit will mean a failed milestone - due 20th November!

Mr. D

(iambic pentameter, enjambment, casesura, rhyme, tone and monologue)

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Character Essay (13C)

Complete the follow essay for next Tuesday's lesson:

How is the traditional role of motherhood been questioned within 'The Bloody Chamber'?

1. How is the character of the mother and her role (as mother) changed within Carter’s text?
2. Carter is particularly interested in the portrayal of women as victims of male aggression as a limiting factor in the feminist perspective of the time – what does is seem her argument is for women in relation to the acceptance of this role?
3. How does she use her stories to explore how this may be achieved?

This will be your milestone assessment due 17/11/09


Mr. D