Monday 22 June 2009

This week's homework...

You need to read our first two poems:

Elegy 16: On his Mistress
Elegy 19: To his Mistress going to bed

You'll need to have completed the diction column (thoroughly exploring all layers of meaning) and the intended meaning section. You'll be sent away to complete it before you'll be allowed to enter the class.

Mr. D

Monday 15 June 2009

Contextual Research...

Your second task is to research the areas provided to you on the research sheet. They are:


You should also have some research on Metaphysical Poetry specifically; its focuses and its champions.

Evidence of your growing understanding will be checked in lessons starting next week - remember, if you are unable to discuss any of the areas you will required to complete further research after school in my company.

Mr. D

Stanziac Form Research...

Your research task is to find a poem that demonstrates each of stanzaic form explored above.

Some of the descriptions from the English Review article point to poets who have used this form heavily and have had its structure named after them or the title of their poem – some however, don’t have much to go on.

You should record the name of the poem, the poet and one stanza from the poem. You should record these down (written or typed) and have them ready for discussion on your double lesson this week (w/beginning 15/06)

Mr. D